lauantai 4. elokuuta 2012

Cote d´Azur Vacation...

Sadly enough, I didn´t make it to the beach yesterday. By the time I finished my post, grabbed my bag and went outside the sun was gone:(
Today witha cold and rainy morning I´m sitting at home with a cup of coffee and browsing my vacation photos.
It has been 3 years now that we travel to the same place- French and Italian Riviera. Our trip usually goes the same way - we stay most of hte tima on the Italian side in SanRemo,then we move to Monaco for a day or two and traditionally we finish our trip with few nights in Cannes.
We love to spend most of the time in Italy because of the amazingly delicious food, friendly people and reasonable beach prices (SanRemo, to my suprise, has the lowest prices for sunbeds on riviera). We always rent a car and sometimes have our dinner in Monaco, Menton or Cap Martin...
 If anyone is planning a trip to the Riviera, let me know and I would love to make a post about the best places to eat,sleep and swim :)
Next Sunday we are leaving and are going to spend one more week at the Italian Riviera dei Fiori...and maybe we will spend one night in Cannes...

1 kommentti:

  1. I would love to know all about where to eat, stay, shop, and where to go out to!:)
