perjantai 28. syyskuuta 2012

Christian Dior SS13

Oh, I love these dresses! They are so femenine and elegant! I always thought,that mini-skirt does not make you a woman (even though it does it´s job to it´s fullest) but the maxi skirt. Don´t we all dream about a ball princess gown since yearly ages? Christmas dress, Birthday Dress, Prom dress, Wedding dress...
These are the gorgoeus Christian Dior, I would say casual-princess-dresses and my own outfit. These kind of dresses I had in mind when I was making up my own look last spring (you oculd see it in one of my very first posts)
Lovely weekend everyone!
p.s. I have an unplanned trip today, and right now all packed,I´m off!

Christian Dior SS13

Me last spring :) My outift lacks a puffed underskirt :(

Look of the Day Päivän Asu

Weeeee, eilen illalla viohdoinkin ovikello on soittanut ja siellä oli DHL poika mun lenkkareiden kaa!:) Tässä on päivän asuni :)
p.s. eilen löysin Stockalta makean JusCavalli t-paida. Ajattelin pitkään tilata sen ista ja kuinka onnelinen olin ku Stockmanilla kyseinen t-paita on 20€+toimitus kulut halvempi! Olen rakasutnut mun uuden t-paitaan, noin 10 vuotta sitten mulla oli samaannäkoinen Dieselilta :)¨

Weee,last night finally I heard the sound of my door bell, and there he was - DHL boy with my new sneakers!
Yesterday I also found this cool JustCavalli t-shirt at Stockmann. I was planning to order it from but how happy I was- the t-shirt is 20€ +shipping costs cheaper in Stockmann!

torstai 27. syyskuuta 2012

Net-a-porter sneak peak

Tässä on sneak peak mun ihanista ostoksista:)

Here is a sneak peak of my lovely purchases:)

keskiviikko 26. syyskuuta 2012

Sunday Look

Bachelorettes in PARIS

Today is a rainy grey day and I felt nostalgic about the summer. So I decided to make a post about a fabolous trip to Paris with my girlfriends last June. I mentioned in one of my posts about that trip and even I was planning to, I never actually done a post about it.
So my best friend got proposed and we started planning a Bachelorettes Party for her. Due to the fact that most of our girlfriends now live in France it was decided that the party should take place in Paris, the city of love and fashion, and so it did. Here are the pics from our voyage voyage and party, maybe some of you will find inspirations for your celebration :)

Our bride to be had no clue if we were planning something scary and embarrasing for her, so she was reeeally terrifyed :)  But knowing my dear friend very well I knew that she is not a fan of any embarrasing jokes or challenges,so we wanted to keep it very cool with a hint of humour :)

So  our plan was to dress up as French mimes :) In our striped shirts and hilarious moustache we headed to Champ de Mars to have a picnic. Our bride to be had a special outfit- a striped mini dress, a beret with diamonds and the largest possible moustache:))) She looked like Ali G:)))

Je voudrais un baguette:))

We had a lovely picnic in the sun with French cheese and Rose wine.
When everyone has drank enough we had a questionare for the girls "Who knows the bride better?" We had 20 questions like "what is her shoe size?favourite color?favourite song?how they met with the groom?" and so on. When the girls gave a right answer they asked bride to do silly stuff and vice versa.
After the picnic all happy and terribly sun burnt we headed home to change into our evening gowns. The theme for the evening was Audrey Hepburn.
We all dressed up into LBD and black sunglasses. We dressed our bride into white dress,white glasses and lots of pearls!
We had a dinner at Renoma

After the dinner we headed to Hotel Costes - the absolute favourite and legendary place among our girlfriends.
You can see here how sun burnt we were :)))

I get chiken skin every time I listen to this one....
These are the last appropriate pics of the night :) After Costes we continued with bar hopping and walking around the streets of Paris.
Next morning all tired but happy we decided to actually do some sight- seeing and this is where the most fun starts.
We had a walk at Jardins de Tuileries and decided to step into the amusement park. There we found the best attraction in the whole world!
See for yourself....

Should I mention that we were the only adults there?:)))
Our bride to be was very happy, because now she did try it all!:)
p.s. I love my ladies, and next summer we will be heading to France again, because one of these lovely ones is getting married!


Eilen myyntin tuli Missoni for Lindex mallisto mutta perjantaina tulee vielä upeampi Missoni for Converse mallisto! Mallisto oli suunniteltu Ranskalais Colette tavaratalolle
Ihania lenkkareita, jokaiselle varmaan löytyy oma lempi malli.
p.s. Hintataso on ilmeisesti aika korkea...

Yesterday was launched Missoni for Lindex collection but this friday is coming even more amazing designer collaboration project - Missoni for Converse! The collection was designed for French Colette department store
Lovely sneakers, different styles for any taste.
p.s. Price average apparently is quite high...

I love these ones! :)

kuvat google

tiistai 25. syyskuuta 2012

Celebration LOOK




Valentino clutch handbag


Giorgio armani

Eilen olen suunitellu tälläinen asu sillä pari viikkon pästä meillä on perhe-juhlat. Mulla löytyy jo 5 vuotta sitten HMlta hankittu ball-gown skirt, löytyy denim paita ja statement necklace ja tänään olen ostanut upeat Karen Millen leopardi korkkarit! Ne ovat aivan upeat, ihanat ja mukavat! Leopardi korkkarit ovat ehdototmasti must-have ympäri vuoden ja aina! :) Nyt olen etsimässä täydellistä punasta cllutchia :)

Yesterday I designed this look for a family celebration that w ehave in a couple of weeks. I already have a gorgeous ball-gown skirt that I got from HM almost 5 years ago, I have a denim shirt and a statement necklace and today I got these amaaaaazing KAren Millen leopard pumps! They are just perfect, pretty and super comfy! I believe that leopard pumps is a must have all year round and always in any grils closet :) Now I only hav eto find a perfect red clutch:)


sunnuntai 23. syyskuuta 2012

Look of the day/päivän asu

Tässä on mun lauantai bohemic-trash asu kuvia:))) asu on super mukava jä lämmin:)
Here is my saturday bohemic-trash look,cosy and warm:)))as i mentioned before,fake diamonds look super with casual sweater:)
As a bonus some instapics of my sexy puppy and drinks:)